14-15 May 2025
Superstudio Maxi, Via Moncucco, 35, Milano MI, 20142, Italy

See who's coming at MAPIC Italy

Discover the best property projects in Italy and network with leading industry leaders. From shopping malls & high street locations to factory outlets or transit hubs, discover the properties available in prime or secondary locations throughout Italy. Find out what are the best investment opportunities in Italy and meet retail, leisure & food players

Are you looking for property players?

LEISURE, FOOD players will be center stage!

Build connections with the most relevant key players from the retail, food and leisure communities.
These companies will showcase their solutions in a dedicated area of MAPIC Italy exhibition hall.

Are you looking for top retailers? Meet over 600 Retailers

Are you looking for digital and sustainability players?

Key digital & technology solutions providers will exhibit in the digital lounge to meet retail real estate players. They will provide tailored solutions to help you grow your business! 

Download the 2023 Property Projects Guide!

A selection of leading Italian retail property projects showcased at MAPIC Italy. Discover who they are looking for!